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Monday, December 19, 2011

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Apa Itu Google Page Rank Dan Manfaatnya

Manfaat dari Google Page Rank - Setelah berhasil meningkatkan google page rank pada beberapa blog saya. Maka saya pikir nggak ada salahnya saya berbagi sedikit tips atau cara yang saya gunakan untuk meningkatkan page rank blog kepada teman-teman terutama bagi yang baru terjun kedalam dunia blogging dan yang berminat untuk mencari uang di internet. Nah sebelum saya memberikan tips2nya. Mungkin ada baiknya kita mengenal terlebih dahulu apa itu google page rank dan manfaanya.

Berdasarkan penjelasan dari wikipedia, Page Rank adalah suatu alat yang diciptakan oleh Larry Page dan Sergey Brin untuk menentukan situs mana yang lebih populer dan layak untuk ditampilkan pada halaman utama mesin pencari google. Page rank dihitung dari 0-10. Semakin tinggi page ranknya. Semakin populer pula situs tersebut di halaman mesin pencari.

Lalu apa manfaat Page Rank bagi Blogger?
Blog yang mempunyai page rank tinggi biasanya akan mendapatkan posisi yang lebih bagus dihalaman mesin pencari dibandingkan dengan blog yang mempunyai page rank rendah. Contohnya: Sebuah situs yang memiliki Page Rank 9 akan diurutkan terlebih dahulu dalam halaman pencarian Google dibandingkan dengan situs yang memiliki page rank 8 dan seterusnya. Sehingga kemungkinan situs tersebut dikunjungi oleh pengguna internet semakin besar.

Oleh sebab itulah, para advertiser atau pemasang iklan lebih senang mempromosikan produk maupun jasanya pada situs yang berpage rank tinggi dibandingkan dengan situs berpage rank rendah. Dengan kata lain semakin tinggi page rank blog anda semakin mudah bagi anda untuk menghasilkan uang di internet.

Lalu bagaimana cara Google menentukan page rank sebuah website?
Ada banyak cara yang digunakan mesin pencari Google dalam menentukan ranking sebuah web. Seperti penggunaan Meta Tag, penekanan pada konten atau isi yang unik, inbound link, dan teknik-teknik lainnya.

Link popularity adalah sebuah teknik yang dikembangkan untuk memperbaiki kekurangan pada teknik Meta Tag (Meta Keywords, Meta Description) yang bisa dicurangi dengan merancang halaman khusus untuk search engine yang disebutdoorway pages.

Page rank mempunyai konsep yang hampir sama dengan link popularity, tetapi tidak hanya memperhitungkan "jumlah" dari inbound dan outbound link saja. Melainkan juga menilai dari kualitas link yang mengarah ke situs tersebut. Contohnya situs A di link oleh 1 situs berPR 2 dan situs B di link oleh 2 situs berPR 1. Maka situs yang mendapat hasil yang bagus adalah situs A. Dan begitu seterusnya.

Sebenarnya Google mempunyai rumus tersendiri dalam menghitung page rank sebuah website, tapi karena sangat rumit perhitungannya. Jadi tidak saya cantumkan disini. Bagi anda yang ingin mengetahui rumusnya. Silahkan tanya ke om wiki aja. Ini alamatnya http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Page_rank senyum.

Ok saya rasa cukup penjelasannya. untuk anda yang belum mengerti kirim email ke erwinsutarjo@yahoo.co.id

Tips Promosi Blog Agar Blog 'Terkenal'

Wuih judulnya udah bikin gemeter gak sob? Tips Promosi Blog Agar Blog 'Terkenal' Sebelumnya saya sudah pernah membahas bagaimana tips promosi blog ke berbagai situs directory dan melakukan pendaftaran blog ke beberaapa mesin pencari. Kali ini sebenarnya hampir sama, tapi saya akan menjelaskan lebih banyak cara promosi blog yang selama ini saya lakukan. Tips ini saya tulis untuk blogger yang benar - benar peduli untuk meningkatkan SEO di mata mesin pencari seperti Google, Yahoo, Bing.
Daftar Web Directory (Free)
Baiklah, buat blogger pemula. Berikut sedikit tips dari saya untuk promosi blog sobat.

Promosi Blog lewat situs Social Bookmark
Situs Social Bookmark adalah tempatnya para blogger pamer blog, mereka para blogger senior pun pasti pernah mendaftar di situs social bookmark. Karena jumlahnya sangat banyak, maka kesempatan blog sobat untuk di baca oleh pengunjung yang juga para blogger semakin kecil. Tapi tidak apa, terus perbanyak postingan dengan content yang menarik dan saran saya lakukan promosi segencar - gencarnya. Situs social bookmark ini juga memberikan kita backlink (Baca : Apa itu backlink dan kegunaanya). Berikut beberapa situs social bookmarknya :

* http://www.technorati.com
* http://www.mybloglog.com
* http://digg.com
* http://delicious.com
* http://www.scribd.com
* http://www.stumbleupon.com
* http://www.squidoo.com/squidoo
* http://www.bibsonomy.org
* http://www.propeller.com
* http://www.reddit.com

Silahkan daftarkan blog sobat David BlogNews pada situs diatas, semoga blog sobat cepat dikenal dan naik popularitasnya.

Daftarkan blog ke situs Article Submission
Apa itu article submission? dari namanya saja sebenarnya sobat sudah bisa menebak artinya. Situs ini menyediakan tempat untuk para blogger menulis artikel tentang blog mereka. Tidak usah terlalu panjang lebar dalam menginput artikelnya, yang penting isinya dapat diterima dan di mengerti. Situs ini juga bisa memberikan sobat backlink, jika sobat tertarik, berikut ada beberapa situs yang bisa sobat kunjungi :

1. http://www.ezinearticles.com
2. http://www.articlebiz.com
3. http://www.articledashboard.com
4. http://www.approvedarticles.com
5. http://www.articletrader.com
6. http://www.articlecube.com
7. http://www.a1-articledirectory.com
8. http://www.earticlesonline.com
9. http://www.myarticlemall.com
10. http://www.articlecity.com

Silahkan daftarkan blog sobat pada beberapa situs diatas dan input artikel sobat sesuai dengan tema blog sobat.

Ping Service
Ping service adalah layanan untuk memudahkan kita mengirim update data terbaru blog kita ke beberapa situs dalam satu kali input. Sangat mudah, sekali klik blog sobat langsung terkirim ke banyak situs ternama. Layanan ini bagus dan penggunaanya pun sangat mudah, bisanya yang diperlukan hanya nama blog dan url blog sobat dalam nge-ping. Berikut beberapa layanan ping service favorit saya yang bisa sobat coba :

1. http://www.mypagerank.net/service_pingservice_index
2. http://pingomatic.com
3. http://pingoat.com
4. http://rpc.weblogs.com
5. http://autopinger.com
6. http://pingmyblog.com
7. http://www.kping.com
8. http://bitacoras.com/agregador/enviar
9. http://feedshark.brainbliss.com

Cara Agar Artikel Blog Cepat Terindeks di Google
Saran saya : lakukan ping setelah sobat update blog, lakukan ping setelah sobat posting artikel terbaru, lakukan ping seperlunya dan jangan terlalu sering melakukan ping karena bisa di anggap spam.

Berkomentar pada blog yang dofollow
Tentu ini merupakan promosi blog yang paling mudah, karena cuman memberi komentar pada blog yang kita kunjungi kita bisa dapat backlink. Cari blog ber PR tinggi, kemudian beri komentar dan jangan terlalu sering karena bisa dianggap spam. Beri komentar yang baik, jangan terlalu banyak mengkritik postingan yang empunya blog, apalagi sampai menghina karena komentar sobat bisa - bisa dihapus dan di blacklist sama yang empunya blog.

Tukeran Link / Link Exchange
Lakukan pertukaran link atau banner dengan blogger lain. Tentunya dengan blog yang sudah punya PR, apalagi PR-nya tinggi. Karena dengan bertukar link atau banner, blog sobat akan ikut terdongkrak posisinya di mata google atau istilah lainnya numpang beken. Lakukan tuker link sebanyak-banyaknya untuk menigkatkan PR blog sobat, dan tukeran link dengan blog yang sejenis atau 1 tema dengan blog sobat.
Cara Mengubah Blog Nofollow Menjadi Dofollow
Cari link dari PR tinggi
Berburu link PR tinggi salah satu cara kita mengetahui jumlah PR pada suatu blog/website. Tidak ada salahnya kita berburu link PR tinggi sekalian tukeran link. Untuk mengetahui nilai link pada sebuah blog sobat bisa menggunakan layanan tools gratis yang di sediakan oleh iwebtools. Caranya sangat mudah :

1. Masuk ke iwebtools.
2. Isi alamat blog yang sobat inginkan
3. Kemudian contreng radio button pada tulisan Show links with rel="nofollow" dan Show external links
4. Kemudian klik tombol Check.

Sobat bisa lihat hasilnya, nah ada banyak angka - angka pada sisi setiap sidebar atau postingan.

Sobat bisa lihat daerah mana yang bisa memberikan kita backlink, kemudian lakukan tuker link dengan yang empunya blog. Blog diatas hanya contoh dari blog saya dan saya sengaja tidak memperlihatkan halaman blogroll atau tempat tuker link pada blog saya. Cari halaman blogroll pada blog yang sobat cari visual pagerank nya untuk melihat link - link dari blogger lain.

Mungkin ini satu dari sekian cara agar blog terkenal. Selain dari cara di atas agar blog kita banyak di kunjungi juga kita perlu mengoptimasi SEO (Baca: Apa itu SEO dan kegunaanya bagi blog) yang bisa sobat baca di Daftar Tutorial SEO. Salamm..dan tambah" pengetahuan lainnya ya.

Lima Puluh Blog Paling Berpengaruh di Dunia revolusi juara

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Time short for S&P to end 2011 higher

With two weeks left in the trading year, the euro-zone debt crisis will remain the primary impediment to pushing the S&P 500 index into positive territory for 2011.

Uncertainty over progress in the region, along with the potential for credit rating downgrades on euro-zone countries, have kept investors on edge and market volatility high.

Even with a fairly busy U.S. economic calendar, which includes a batch of data on the housing market, the final reading on gross domestic product and durable goods orders, markets will focus on developments from Europe.

"What everybody is going to look at is the same thing they've been looking at -- every time a German official opens their mouth, we get crushed," said Paul Mendelsohn, chief investment strategist at Windham Financial Services in Charlotte, Vermont.

"I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Santa Claus is out there. But we've got to see something."

The benchmark S&P 500 index .SPX.INX is down about 3 percent for the year and would need to climb above 1,257.64 in order to end higher for the year.

A stocks' rally on Friday fizzled, and the market ended with only modest gains after the latest credit warning about possible downgrades of European nations. For last week, the Dow fell 2.7 percent, the S&P 500 lost 2.9 percent and the Nasdaq slid 3.5 percent.

Italy's prime minister urged European policymakers on Friday to beware of dividing the continent in the effort to contain the debt crisis, warning against a "short-term hunger for rigor" in some countries, in a swipe at Germany.

Stocks have been whipsawed as investors weigh the threat from the euro-zone crisis against modest improvement in U.S. economic data and stocks that many regard as cheap.

"There do appear to be some improving economic indicators domestically, but it's hard to see how they win the day if Europe continues to be a big concern. It's not like the valuations are at such bargain-basement prices that it becomes a one-way bet," said Stephen Massocca, managing director at Wedbush Morgan in San Francisco.

As volumes begin to dry up and market moves become more exaggerated during the holiday period, the volatility may help lift the stock market into the plus column.


"Can you see an upside rally? Certainly, because you are going to have some asset managers in the end who are going to try and just push it so the market ends at the very least flat on the year, if not higher," said Ken Polcari, managing director at ICAP Equities in New York.

"If there is going to be a rally at all, it will happen on light volume because there will be fewer and fewer participants. When there is less volume, you do have the ability to have those exaggerated moves, but people will take advantage of that."

Volatility in individual shares could also be affected by corporate earnings pre-announcements. There have been 97 negative earnings pre-announcements issued by S&P 500 corporations for the fourth quarter, compared with 26 positive pre-announcements, resulting in a negative-to-positive ratio of 3.7. That's the highest in 10 years, according to Thomson Reuters data.

Companies that have provided outlooks in recent weeks include DuPont (DD.N), Intel Corp (INTC.O), United Technologies Corp (UTX.N) and Texas Instruments Inc (TXN.N).

Unexpected management shakeups could also be on the horizon and increase the tumult in stocks. Both Cablevision Systems Corp (CVC.N) and The New York Times Co (NYT.N) saw high-level executives suddenly leave their posts.

But stock movements this week will ultimately be dictated by actions taken in Europe, with the light volume exacerbating market swings.

"The only thing that is going to be of any interest is certainly the continuing headlines on Europe, whether or not they come any closer to what looks like a potential agreement," said Polcari.

"You may get a little bit of a push to the 1,250 to 1,270 range, but much beyond that I don't see why it would go any higher unless you get some explosive announcement out of Europe."

(Reporting By Chuck Mikolajczak; Editing by Kenneth Barry and; Jan Paschal)
source: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/12/18/us-usa-stocks-weekahead-idUSTRE7BF20A20111218

Exclusive: Secret U.S., Taliban talks reach turning point

(Reuters) - After 10 months of secret dialogue with Afghanistan's Taliban insurgents, senior U.S. officials say the talks have reached a critical juncture and they will soon know whether a breakthrough is possible, leading to peace talks whose ultimate goal is to end the Afghan war.

As part of the accelerating, high-stakes diplomacy, Reuters has learned, the United States is considering the transfer of an unspecified number of Taliban prisoners from the Guantanamo Bay military prison into Afghan government custody.

It has asked representatives of the Taliban to match that confidence-building measure with some of their own. Those could include a denunciation of international terrorism and a public willingness to enter formal political talks with the government headed by Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

The officials acknowledged that the Afghanistan diplomacy, which has reached a delicate stage in recent weeks, remains a long shot. Among the complications: U.S. troops are drawing down and will be mostly gone by the end of 2014, potentially reducing the incentive for the Taliban to negotiate.

Still, the senior officials, all of whom insisted on anonymity to share new details of the mostly secret effort, suggested it has been a much larger piece of President Barack Obama's Afghanistan policy than is publicly known.

U.S. officials have held about half a dozen meetings with their insurgent contacts, mostly in Germany and Doha with representatives of Mullah Omar, leader of the Taliban's Quetta Shura, the officials said.

The stakes in the diplomatic effort could not be higher. Failure would likely condemn Afghanistan to continued conflict, perhaps even civil war, after NATO troops finish turning security over to Karzai's weak government by the end of 2014.

Success would mean a political end to the war and the possibility that parts of the Taliban - some hardliners seem likely to reject the talks - could be reconciled.

The effort is now at a pivot point.

"We imagine that we're on the edge of passing into the next phase. Which is actually deciding that we've got a viable channel and being in a position to deliver" on mutual confidence-building measures, said a senior U.S. official.

While some U.S.-Taliban contacts have been previously reported, the extent of the underlying diplomacy and the possible prisoner transfer have not been made public until now.

The reconciliation effort, which has already faced setbacks including a supposed Taliban envoy who turned out to be an imposter, faces hurdles on multiple fronts, the U.S. officials acknowledged.

They include splits within the Taliban; suspicion from Karzai and his advisers; and Pakistan's insistence on playing a major, even dominating, role in Afghanistan's future.

Obama will likely face criticism, including from Republican presidential candidates, for dealing with an insurgent group that has killed U.S. soldiers and advocates a strict Islamic form of government.

But U.S. officials say that the Afghan war, like others before it, will ultimately end in a negotiated settlement.

"The challenges are enormous," a second senior U.S. official acknowledged. "But if you're where we are ... you can't not try. You have to find out what's out there."


If the effort advances, one of the next steps would be more public, unequivocal U.S. support for establishing a Taliban office outside of Afghanistan.

U.S. officials said they have told the Taliban they must not use that office for fundraising, propaganda or constructing a shadow government, but only to facilitate future negotiations that could eventually set the stage for the Taliban to reenter Afghan governance.

On Sunday, a senior member of Afghanistan's High Peace Council said the Taliban had indicated it was willing to open an office in an Islamic country.

But underscoring the fragile nature of the multi-sided diplomacy, Karzai on Wednesday announced he was recalling Afghanistan's ambassador to Qatar, after reports that nation was readying the opening of the Taliban office. Afghan officials complained they were left out of the loop.

On a possible transfer of Taliban prisoners long held at Guantanamo, U.S. officials stressed the move would be a 'national decision' made in consultation with the U.S. Congress. Obama is expected to soon sign into law the 2011 defense authorization bill that contains new provisions on detainee policy.

There are slightly fewer that 20 Afghan citizens at Guantanamo, according to various accountings. It is not known which ones might be transferred, nor what assurances the White House has that the Karzai government would keep them in its custody.

Guantanamo detainees have been released to foreign governments--and sometimes set free by them--before. But the transfer as part of a diplomatic negotiation appears unprecedented.

Ten years after the repressive Taliban government was toppled by its Afghan opponents and their Western backers, a hoped-for political settlement has become a centerpiece of the U.S. strategy to end a war that has killed nearly 3,000 foreign troops and cost the Pentagon alone $330 billion.

While Obama's decision to deploy an extra 30,000 troops in 2009-10 helped push the Taliban out of much of its southern heartland, the war is far from over. Militants remain able to slip in and out of lawless areas of Pakistan, where the Taliban's senior leadership is located.

Bold attacks from the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani network have undermined the narrative of improving security and raised questions about how well an inexperienced Afghan military will be able to cope when foreign troops go home.

In that uncertain context, officials say that initial contacts with insurgent representatives since U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton publicly embraced a diplomatic strategy in a February 18, 2011 speech have centered on establishing whether the Taliban was open to reconciliation, despite its pledge to continue its 'sacred jihad' against NATO and U.S. soldiers.

"The question has been to the Taliban, 'You have got a choice to make. Life's moving on," the second U.S. official said. "There's a substantial military campaign out there that will continue to do you substantial damage ... Are you prepared to go forward with some kind of reconciliation process?"

U.S. officials have met with Tayeb Agha, who was a secretary to Mullah Omar, and they have held one meeting arranged by Pakistan with Ibrahim Haqqani, a brother of the Haqqani network's founder. They have not shut the door to further meetings with the Haqqani group, which is blamed for a brazen attack this fall on the U.S. embassy in Kabul and which senior U.S. officials link closely to Pakistan's intelligence agency.

U.S. officials say they have kept Karzai informed of the process and have met with him before and after each encounter, but they declined to confirm whether representatives of his government are present at those meetings.


Officials now see themselves on the verge of reaching a second phase in the reconciliation process that, if successful, would clinch the confidence-building measures and allow them to move to a third stage in which the Afghan government and the Taliban would sit down together in talks facilitated by the United States.

"That's why it's especially delicate -- because if we don't deliver the second phase, we don't get to the pay-dirt," the first senior U.S. official said.

Senior administration officials say that confidence-building measures must be implemented, not merely agreed to, before full-fledged political talks can begin. The sequence of such measures has not been determined, and they will ultimately be announced by Afghans, they say.

Underlying the intensive efforts of U.S. negotiators are fundamental questions about whether - and why - the Taliban would want to strike a peace deal with the Western-backed Karzai government.

U.S. officials stress that the 'end conditions' they want the Taliban to embrace -- renouncing violence, breaking with al Qaeda, and respecting the Afghan constitution -- are not preconditions to starting talks.

Encouraging trends on the Afghan battlefield - declining militant attacks, a thinning of the Taliban's mid-level leadership, the emergence of insurgent-on-insurgent violence -- are one reason why U.S. officials believe the Taliban may be more likely to engage in substantive talks than in the past.

They also cite what they see as an overlooked, subtle shift in the Taliban's position on reconciliation over the past year, based in part by statements from Mullah Omar marking Muslim holidays this year.

In July, the Taliban reiterated its long-standing position of rejecting any peace talks as long as foreign troops remain in Afghanistan. In October, a senior Haqqani commander said the United States was insincere about peace in Afghanistan.

But U.S. officials say the Taliban no longer wants to be the global pariah it was in the 1990s. Some elements have suggested flexibility on issues of priority for the West, such as protecting rights for women and girls.

"That's one of the reasons why we think this is serious," a third senior U.S. official said.


Yet as the process moves ahead, the idea of seeking a peace deal with an extremist movement is fraught with challenge.

At least one purported insurgent representative has turned out to be a fraud, highlighting the difficulty of vetting potential brokers in the shadowy world of the militants largely based in Pakistan.

And the initiative was dealt a major blow in September when former Afghan President Burhanuddin Rabbani, who headed peace efforts for Karzai, was assassinated in an attack Afghanistan said originated in neighboring Pakistan.

Since then, Karzai has been more ambivalent about talks. He ruled out an early resumption in negotiations and said Afghanistan would talk only to Pakistan 'until we have an address for the Taliban.'

The dust-up over the unofficial Taliban office in Qatar, with a spokesman for Karzai stressing that Afghanistan must lead peace negotiations to end the war, suggests tensions in the U.S. and Afghan approaches to the peace process.

Speaking in an interview with CNN aired on Sunday, Karzai counseled caution in making sure that Taliban interlocutors are authentic -- and authentically seeking peace. The Rabbani killing, he said, was a demonstration of such difficulties and "brought us in a shock to the recognition that we were actually talking to nobody."

Critics of Obama's peace initiative are deeply skeptical of the Taliban's willingness to negotiate given that the West's intent to pull out most troops after 2014 would give insurgents a chance to reclaim lost territory or nudge the weak Kabul government toward collapse.

While the United States is expected to keep a modest military presence in Afghanistan beyond then, all of Obama's 'surge' troops will be home by next fall and the administration - looking to refocus on domestic priorities -- is already exploring further reductions.

Another reason to be circumspect is the potential spoiler role of Pakistan, which has so far resisted U.S. pressure to crack down on militants fueling violence in Afghanistan and to cooperate more closely with the U.S. military and diplomatic campaign there.

Such considerations make reconciliation a divisive initiative even within the Obama administration. Few officials describe themselves as optimists about the peace initiative; at the State Department, which is formally leading the talks, senior officials see the odds of brokering a successful agreement at only around 30 percent.

"There's a very real likelihood that these guys aren't serious ... which is why are continuing to prosecute all of the lines of effort here," the third senior U.S. official said. While NATO commanders promise they will keep up pressure on militants as the troop force shrinks, they are facing a tenacious insurgency in eastern Afghanistan that may prove even more challenging than the south.

Still, with Obama committed to withdrawing from Afghanistan, as the United States did last week from Iraq, the administration has few alternatives but to pursue what may well prove to be a quixotic quest for a deal.

"Wars end, and the end of wars have political consequences," the second official said. "You can either try to shape those, or someone does it to you."

(Editing by David Storey and Christopher Wilson)source:www.reuters.com/.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Build the Best Social Media Communities With “The Social Organization”

Deborah Shane, author and branding strategist, once coined the phrase “raise your business metabolism.” It refers to increasing the pulse of how a business responds to its environment.

Given the increased spending expected for social media campaigns – Forrester predicts $4.4 billion in social media interactive spending by 2016 — it should be no surprise that businesses are scrambling to raise their metabolism on social media.

One of the best books to help your team is The Social Organization: How to Use Social Media to Tap the Collective Genius of Your Customers and Employees. It covers the best ideas for managing employees and customers through social media. Authors Anthony Bradley and Mark P. McDonald, group vice presidents at Gartner Research, crafted a thoughtful book. I received a review copy after reading a flier for upcoming HBR publications. My take is that small businesses reliant on digital communities, whether as a business model or to augment to an existing business, will gain new insights.

Build an Agile and Balanced Organization

This book bears some resemblance to Empowered, another great examination of how organizations can refine social media usage into a collaborative experience. But The Social Organization is focused on community roadmaps and identifying potential misuses of social media, rather than examining a specific social media platform. If you are looking for a break from the Facebook vs. Google + debate, you are in luck.

Bradley and McDonald go beyond slogans to elaborate how a community is best managed. Purpose is behind the best recommendations, such as this one on page 12 that I liked:

“ ‘ But,’ we often hear, ‘communities on the public Internet seem to appear and grow spontaneously to millions of participants without an obvious, explicit purpose.’ That may be the appearance, but almost all successful social Web sites started with a defined purpose and limited scope.”

The authors present balanced assessements of the difference between a grassroots campaign that thrives and one that is launched haphazardly. Examples exhibit how embedding communities have worked, such as SHIFT at CEMEX, the cement producer. CEMEX management created a community of 18,000 users focused on the company’s strategic initiatives. Other noted examples include FICO. Prohibited from advising customers directly, FICO encouraged customers to share credit-building and credit-managing techniques among themselves.

Understand What Elements Contribute to a Roadmap for Success

The book explains how six elements – social principles, social benefits, social costs, business benefits, business costs and business impact – reveal the business justification for establishing a community. There’s also a No-Go-Grow decision model, detailing choices for community collaboration. The authors note the purpose for a roadmap:

“Without a roadmap, you can only discuss business value in general terms – by saying, for example, that collaboration will ‘make us more productive’ or ‘improve effective communications’… A roadmap of well-defined goals suggests specific goals that can be measured – for example, ‘use consultant networks to create more new business proposals.’ ”

Through quotes and examples, the authors take time to show how to “eat an elephant” – the authors’ metaphor for tackling a huge undertaking to transform an organization. But in attempting a community, reminders of value and cost abound, such as the following:

“Don’t fall into this ‘It’s cheap’ trap. Launching a social media effort often has significant cost beyond the technology…. Significant success rarely, if ever, comes cheap or easy. Social media is no different.”

The Social Organization also touches upon shifting the ownership to the community itself – how to make it grow beyond the community manager into a worthwhile engagement. The authors caution against overlooking the subtle communication signals that can stifle growth. Overauthority can result from not recognizing one’s role. There’s a note on the fundamental differences between a collaborative environment and a standard organizational structure – the de-emphasis of methodology used to accomplish a result:

“Mass collaboration is different from other ways of working. By its fundamental nature, no one can predict of prescribe the means a community will choose to accomplish its purpose–for example, around a detailed plan of action or a set of rules and procedures–because the means will emerge. Only outcomes can be managed.”

The authors’ selection of introspective questions that managers should consider as a community emerges beyond its launch is a nice addition. In fact, the chapter is useful for many small businesses that have grown beyond their initial blogging efforts and are looking for community managers.

Technical jargon is minimal, so the book maintains its manager-level tone throughout. This makes the material accessible to small businesses that operate like a big business but are one IT person or team short.

Online communities have become powerful business models, without a doubt, as well as a functional aid to spread the word and convey information. Moreover, small businesses and customers love to share and build communities that matter. The Social Organization can help ensure your community will be well managed long after its launch.